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Also a listing in the Corporate Sponsor Directory on our Web Site includes company name, description of business, address, city, state, zip, telephone.
Sample Listing in book and on Web Site: (Actual listing)
Window Tint - Sponsor
Window Tinting Products for You're Home or Business
1405 N Cuyamaca Street
El Cajon , CA 92020
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Books to give as gifts to employees, clients, family or friends.
Listing in the Corporate Sponsor Directory in the actual book including company name, description of business, address, city, state, zip, telephone number and a link to you're web site.
Also a listing in the Corporate Sponsor Directory on our Web Site including company name, description of business, address, city, state, zip, telephone and web site hot link.
Sample Listing in book and on Web Site: (Actual listing)
Window Tint - Sponsor
Window Tinting Products for You're Home or Business
1405 N Cuyamaca Street
El Cajon , CA 92020
1-866-289-8468 Web Site:
Purchase 21 or more Books at a Corporate Discount of $37.95 each and receive:
Books to give as gifts to employees, clients, family or friends.
Company full color logo.
Listing in the Corporate Sponsor Directory in the actual book including company logo, company name, description of business, address, city, state, zip, telephone number and a link to you're web site.
Also a listing in the Corporate Sponsor Directory on our Web Site including company logo, company name, description of business, address, city, state, zip, telephone and web site hot link.
Sample Listing in book and on Web Site: (Actual listing)
Window Tint - Sponsor
Window Tinting Products for You're Home or Business
1405 N Cuyamaca Street
El Cajon , CA 92020
1-866-289-8468 Web Site:
Note: In order to get you're listing included in the actual book, you will need to pre-order prior to actual printing. Any orders placed after August 30, 2008 are not guaranteed to be included in the book. Pre-Order price only applies to orders placed prior to August 30, 2008. Limited space is available to the first 500 companies and are on a first come basis. Minimum order is 5 books to be included in this program.