What a great highly inspired book to reach out to non-believers. We are with you all the way!
Scott Wells - San Diego, CA
Limited Collectors Edition
America The Beautiful
God's Country
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Join with us to spread the Gospel of Jesus through this uplifting inspirational book!

Images of America

Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations"

What a great way of witnessing through you're personal inspired message. This book will be read by thousands of people all over America and you're personal inspirational message will help bring non-believers to Christ.

If you have ever wanted to reach out and tell everyone you could about the personal experience you have in Christ, here is you're chance. You are God's messenger, and through you, God's message will be delivered. But you must take the first step, and God will do the rest. Submit you're message today!


Submit an inspirational uplifting message to be included in this book.
There is No Cost or Obligation to submit a message.


"America the Beautiful - God's Country" will be broken down by states. Each state will have 4 to 4-1/2 pages of photographs, information and inspirational messages. The book will have over 240 pages with 450 photographs. The back of the book will have a directory of churches listed by state including address, contact information and web site address if applicable. When non-believers see the beauty of God's country through this book, along with the uplifting messages, it is our heart's desire that they will want to visit a listed church in their area.

Sample Page: View a sample of a page in the book (Click here) Opens in a new window.

There is No Cost or Obligation to provide an inspirational message for our book. See an example of an inspirational message (Click here)

For Complete Details on Submitting an Inspirational message please use the form below:

Your privacy is important to us. We never give or sell your information to third parties without your permission. For additional information as to how we use your information please review our complete privacy policy.

First name*
Last name*
I am a
Zip code*
Email address*
Your Church name
Church address
Church city
Church state
Church zip code
Pastors name
Church phone number
Inspirational message.

Please keep messages to a paragraph or less. Even one or two lines as the Lord leads.
I agree with all terms and conditions for submitting this inspirational message*

* Denotes required fields

Know of someone else that might want to submit an inspirational message? Click here to tell a friend.

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